Revenue Note for Guidance

The content shown on this page is a Note for Guidance produced by the Irish Revenue Commissioners. To view the section of legislation to which the Note for Guidance applies, click the link below:

Revenue Note for Guidance

107. Officer responsible in case of body of persons


This section provides that the secretary of a company or other body of persons will be responsible, in addition to the company itself, for the performance of any acts required to be done by the company in relation to tax.


(1) The provisions in relation to which the secretary, as well as the company, etc. will be accountable are the provisions of the Value-Added Tax Consolidation Act 2010, regulations and any subsequent VAT law.

(2) The secretary (or other officer temporarily acting as secretary) is answerable, in addition to any responsibility devolving on the company, for complying with VAT law provisions.

(3) The secretary may retain sufficient funds out of the company’s money in order to pay any tax due and will be indemnified for any such tax payments.

(4) Any notice that is required under VAT law to be given to a body of persons may be given to the secretary.

Relevant Date: Finance Act 2020