TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

Ireland ranks 6th amongst member states in Commission’s digital resilience report

The European Commission on Thursday 11 June 2020, released the results of the 2020 Digital Economy and Society Index (“DESI”), which monitors Europe’s overall digital performance and tracks the progress of EU countries with respect to their digital competitiveness. This year’s DESI shows that there is progress in all Member States and all key areas measured in the index. The study positions Ireland in sixth place overall in Europe, having made most progress in the EU.

The DESI is composed of five principal policy areas, which group 37 indicators overall:


Fixed broadband take-up, fixed broadband coverage, mobile broadband, and broadband prices

Human capital

Internet user skills and advanced skills

Use of internet

Citizens’ use of internet services and online transactions

Integration of digital technology

Business digitisation and e-commerce

Digital public services


Furthermore, the DESI indicators relevant for a post-COVID-19 recovery show that EU Member States should step up their efforts to improve the coverage of Very High Capacity Networks, assign 5G spectrum to enable the commercial launch of 5G services, improve citizens’ digital skills and further digitise businesses and the public sector.