Revenue Note for Guidance
This section charges to income tax the benefit to directors and employees derived from the private use of vans provided by their employers. The charge to tax is based on a “cash equivalent” of that benefit derived from the use of the van. This “cash equivalent” is computed as 5 per cent of the original market value of the van. Contributions which the director or employee is required to make, and actually makes, to the employer in respect of the costs of providing or running the van are deductible from the cash equivalent.
(1) “van” means a mechanically propelled road vehicle which is designed or constructed for the carriage of goods or other burden, has a roofed area or areas to the rear of the driver’s seat, has no side windows or seating fitted in that roofed area or areas and has a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 3,500 kilograms.
“gross vehicle weight” in relation to a vehicle means the laden weight which the vehicle is designed or adapted not to exceed when in normal use.
“electric vehicle” means a vehicle that derives its motive power exclusively from an electric motor.
(2)(a) The section applies to employees and directors chargeable to tax in an employment for any year of assessment in respect of the private use of a company van without any transfer to the person of the ownership of the van.
In relation to such a van—
An employee has the use of a company van the original market value of which is €18,000. The cash equivalent is €900 (5% of €18,000). The employee is required to pay and pays the employer €500 per annum towards the running costs of the van. The employee is, therefore, chargeable on the cash equivalent of €900 less the contributions of €500, that is, on €400.
(2)(b)(iii) Where the van made available to the employee is an electric vehicle and is provided during the period 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018, no amount shall be treated as emoluments.
(2)(b)(iv) Where an electric vehicle is made available to an employee during the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2022 and the original market value of the van does not exceed €50,000, no amount shall be treated as emoluments.
(2)(b)(v) Where a van made available to an employee during the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2022 is an electric vehicle:
no amount shall be treated as emoluments.
(2)(b)(v) Where an electric vehicle is made available during the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2022 and the original market value of the van exceeds €50,000, the cash equivalent of the van shall be computed on the original market value of the van reduced by €50,000.
(2)(b)(vi) This subparagraph provides for a reduction in the original market value used to calculate the benefit in kind arising on employer provided electric vans made available in the period from 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025. This reduction applies irrespective of whether the OMV of van exceeds €50,000.
Period van is made available to the employee |
Amount OMV is reduced by |
01 January 2023 – 31 December 2023 |
€35,000 |
01 January 2024 – 31 December 2024 |
€20,000 |
01 January 2025 – 31 December 2025 |
€10,000 |
Any excess amount, after this reduction is applied, is chargeable to benefit in kind at the prescribed rates.
(2A) The tax charge to tax in respect of the private use of a company van will not apply where all of the following conditions are met:
(3) The cash equivalent of the benefit of a van for a year of assessment prior to 2023 is 5 per cent of the original market value of the van. From 1 January 2023 the cash equivalent of the benefit of a van for a year of assessment shall be 8 per cent of the original market value of the van.
(4) This paragraph provides that the provisions of subsections (1), (6) and (7) of section 121 (benefit of use of a car) shall apply to this section, with the exception of the definition of a car.
(5) Where a van is available to a person for part only of a year of assessment, the cash equivalent of the benefit is ascertained by apportionment on a time basis. This provision operates where a person –
Relevant Date: Finance Act 2021