Revenue Note for Guidance
The “Living City Initiative” is a property incentive scheme for certain special urban regeneration areas, focusing on the conversion and refurbishment of dilapidated pre-1915 buildings for use as residential properties and also for the refurbishment and conversion of certain commercial properties. The urban areas have been described by order of the Minister for Finance for the purposes of these tax incentives. The scheme applies to qualifying expenditure incurred between 5 May 2015 and 31 December 2022 on owner-occupier residential property and commercial property and eligible expenditure incurred on rented residential property between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2022. Provision is included to ensure that only expenditure properly attributable to works carried out within those periods will qualify for the relief.
There are three separate elements to this property incentive scheme. The first relates to owner-occupied residences, the second to retail and other commercial development and the third to rented residential property. There is a reporting system in place for both the residential and commercial elements of this incentive and information will, in all cases, be submitted electronically. No relief will be available unless certain basic information regarding investors, property locations and the amount of qualifying expenditure/eligible expenditure on each project is first made available to the Revenue Commissioners. This is to allow continual review of the Initiative to be undertaken, to see if commercial or residential projects are actually being undertaken, where they are and at what cost to the Exchequer.
The details of this element of the scheme are as follows:
Capital allowances are available under this scheme in relation to the refurbishment or conversion of retail and other commercial premises and the refurbishment or conversion of rented residential property over a seven year period (15% per annum for years 1 to 6 and 10% in year 7). While rented residential property must have been constructed prior to 1915 there is no such requirement for commercial premises. The properties must be within the special regeneration areas and the commercial premises must be used for retail purposes or the provision of other services. The amount of the relief which can be obtained in respect of any refurbishment or conversion project is effectively capped at €200,000, regardless of how much expenditure is incurred or how many investors there are. The relief available is shared among the participants. This €200,000 limit is introduced so that the Initiative conforms to the EU de minimis rules for State Aid. Relief for the owner-occupier residential element is not limited since owner-occupier residences are not treated as undertakings for State aid purposes. Other details of the commercial and the rented residential elements of the scheme are as follows:
This section contains the definitions which are used in the Chapter.
“relevant house” means a building, constructed before 1915.
“market value” means, essentially, the price which the unencumbered fee simple of the building would fetch in an open market sale. However, that price is to be computed on a site-exclusive basis. Following FA 2016 this no longer has application.
“PPS number” and “tax reference number” have the same meanings as in section 477B(1).
“qualifying period” means the period starting from 5 May 2015 and ending on 31 December 2022.
“refurbishment” is defined as any work of construction, reconstruction, repair or renewal, including the provision or improvement of water, sewerage or heating facilities, carried out in the course of the repair or restoration, or maintenance in the nature of repair or restoration of the building.
“special regeneration area” is defined as an area or areas specified as a special regeneration area by order of the Minister for Finance.
Relevant Date: Finance Act 2021