Revenue Note for Guidance
This section imposes an obligation on persons carrying on a trade or business to provide, when required to do so by notice in writing from an inspector —
The section imposes a similar obligation on bodies of persons carrying on an activity which is not a trade or business.
(1) “tax reference number” has the meaning set out in section 885.
References to payments for services include payments in respect of commissions of any kind and in respect of expenses incurred in the rendering of services.
The section also applies to payments in non-cash form (for example, exchange of goods, etc.).
(2) Persons carrying on a trade or business must, when required to do so by an inspector, provide details of certain payments. The payments concerned are —
(3) Bodies of persons (including Ministers of the Government and statutory bodies) must, when required to do so by an inspector, also provide details of certain payments. The payments in this instance are —
(4) Where the trade, business or other activity is carried on by an unincorporated body of persons, the person responsible for providing the information to the inspector is the person who is, or performs the duties of, secretary.
(5) The return of information has to include —
(6) The return under this section also includes payments made by the person or body of persons in the course of the trade, business or activity on behalf of another person.
(7) Excluded from the scope of the section are —
(8) The penalty for failure to submit a correct return on time is €3,000.
(10) In proceedings for the recovery of penalties, a certificate from an officer of the Revenue Commissioners certifying that a return under this section has not been received is evidence until the contrary is proven.
Relevant Date: Finance Act 2021