Revenue E-Brief

The content shown on this page is an E-Brief produced by the Irish Revenue Commissioners. To view the section of legislation to which the E-Brief applies, click the link below:

Revenue E-Brief Issue 18/2015, 30 January 2015

eGaming Services - Taxable Amount

The VAT Manual Part 05-66 has been updated to clarify the "taxable amount" of eGaming services for VAT purposes.

eGaming services are exempt without deductibility in some Member States but are taxable in Ireland at the standard rate, currently 23%. From 1 January 2015, the tax treatment of eGaming Services to consumers is determined by the place where the consumer is established, has a permanent address or usually resides.

Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS)

eGaming businesses can avail of the new special scheme known as the Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) which will allow suppliers of B2C e-services to submit returns and pay the relevant VAT due to all Member States through the web portal of one Member State. MOSS simplifies a supplier’s obligations by removing the requirement to register and submit returns in several Member States.

Revenue's VAT MOSS system is now available and businesses may submit their registration details online. Further information on the VAT MOSS scheme can be found in the VAT Information leaflet - The Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS).

30 January 2015