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Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael respond to Green Party demands as talks for Government formation continue

In the ongoing talks to create a programme for government, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have responded to the Green Party’s 17 demands. These are demands that the three parties have are agreeing to work on, to establish a programme for Government to implement measures to revive the economy in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. The six-page letter, penned jointly by the two main parties, attempts to answer the posed questions as clearly as possible. As a key highlight, the two main parties have also committed to introducing a new Climate Bill within the first 100 days of a new Government. The Bill will enshrine in law the target of carbon neutrality by 2050.

The Green Party had previously called on Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 7 per cent per year, if they are to enter Government. In response to the policy framework document, the party made 17 demands of the two larger parties, such as a commitment to end Direct Provision and the introduction of a universal basic income.

Separately, the Labour Party has also posed five questions for Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael earlier this week, outlining 21 principles in a two-page document on Government formation.

Among the questions posed by the Labour Party are:

  • How much are you prepared to borrow in 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively to maintain public services and secure additional investment?
  • What taxation measures are you prepared to consider, and how do you propose to guarantee that you can implement a radical programme for government over the next five years without increases in taxation for higher earners?
  • What cuts to departments and agencies, relative to the allocations made in the 2020 estimates have you considered?
  • Will you honour the current public sector pay deal, and what is your approach to negotiating a follow-on agreement, including equality of pay and conditions for our Defence Forces?
  • Will you commit that the COVID-19 pandemic unemployment payment will continue at the current rate for workers who have lost their jobs in affected sectors?

As of now, the two main parties only have 72 Dáil seats between them, eight short of a majority of 80 required to form a government, thus leading to talks about forming a coalition. They are hoping to entice smaller parties, including the Green Party, the Labour Party and the Social Democrats, to increase their Dáil numbers.