Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 (as amended up to and including Finance Act (No.2) 2023)
- Section 220 — Profits of certain bodies corporate.
- Section 221 — Certain payments to National Co-operative Farm Relief Services Ltd and certain payments made to its members.
- Section 222 — Certain dividends from a non-resident subsidiary.
- Section 223 — Small enterprise grants.
- Section 224 — Grants to medium and large industrial undertakings.
- Section 225 — Employment grants.
- Section 226 — Certain employment grants and recruitment subsidies.
- Section 227 — Certain income arising to specified non-commercial state-sponsored bodies.
- Section 228 — Income arising to designated bodies under the Securitisation (Proceeds of Certain Mortgages) Act, 1995.
- Section 229 — Harbour authorities and port companies.
- Section 229A — Shannon Commercial Enterprises Ltd.