Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 (Number 39 of 1997)
220 Profits of certain bodies corporate.
[FA83 s32; FA87 s34; FA91 s41; FA95 s44(1) and (2); FA97 s49(1) and (2)]
Notwithstanding any provision of the Corporation Tax Acts, profits arising to any of the bodies corporate specified in the Table to this section shall be exempt from corporation tax.
[1]> 1. Bord Gáis Éireann. <[1] |
2. A company authorised by virtue of a licence granted by the Minister of Finance under the National Lottery Act, 1986. |
3. The Dublin Docklands Development |
4. An Bord Pinsean — The Pensions Board. |
5. |
6. The company incorporated on the 1st day of December, 1994, as Irish Thoroughbred Marketing Limited. |
7. The company incorporated on the 1st day of December, 1994, as Tote Ireland Limited. |
[2]> 8. The Commission for Electricity Regulation. <[2] |
[5]> 9. Limerick Twenty Thirty Strategic Development Designated Activity Company, registered on 7 July 2008 (registered number 459652). <[5] |
[6]> 10. Ennis 2040 (Strategic Development) Designated Activity Company, registered on 8 December 2020 (registered number 684352). <[6] |
[7]> 11. Nature Partners Company Limited by Guarantee, registered on 1 November 2021 (registered number 707015). <[7] |
Deleted by FA99 s77. Applies as respects any accounting period beginning on or after the date of 25 March 1999
Inserted by FA00 s84(1). This section shall be deemed to have applied as on and from 14 July 1999.
Substituted by FA01 s79(b). Applies as respects accounting periods ending on or after 6 April 2001.
Inserted by FA18 s60(1)(b). Deemed to have come into force and have taken effect as on and from 1 January 2018.