Conal Kennedy, Head of Practice Consulting, writes:
As the year draws to a close, many members in practice pause to reflect before starting their work in the New Year. Sometimes members will make plans to build their practices through organic growth, or to consolidate what they have in the New Year. In other cases, the turn of the year may lead them to conclude that more fundamental changes need to be made. Is it time to consider merging your practice with another, or selling it? You may have been generally interested in buying a practice or a block of fees, but is now a time to pursue this more vigorously?
We in Practice Consulting are sometimes approached by firms to assist them with one of these ventures. If you are interested, feel free to contact us and we will endeavour to advise you and possibly to reach out to make contact with other firms on a confidential basis. We are particularly interested in hearing from members who would like to retire and sell all or part of their practice. We may also be able to help members who are currently sole practitioners but would be interested in joining a larger firm as a partner. We also need to hear from those people representing the opposite sides of these transactions, the potential purchasers or those larger firms. If you would like to discuss this further please contact us individually at the contact points below or email us at in confidence.