Information and appeals scheme
Chartered Accountants Ireland offers two separate schemes; Information Scheme and the Appeals Scheme to candidates who have received a result of "fail" in any of the papers which they sat.
These schemes are not available to students who have received a "pass" in a paper which they sat.
Candidates who are eligible to make an application under either of these schemes, can purchase the product on their student portal for seven days from the results publication. Late application will not be accepted.
Timeline: Applications are processed in order they were received and as quickly as possible, unfortunately it is not possible to give an exact timeline as this is dependent on number of applications received.
Students purchasing any Information and Appeals Scheme products should be aware that their exam script will not be re-marked as part of this process. The Information and Appeals Scheme operate independently of one another.
Information scheme
Option A: breakdown of marks
Candidates will be provided with their marks per paper, broken down into mark per question, per section (where available in CAP1, CAP2 and FAE).
Option B - tutorial report and breakdown of marks
Candidates will be provided with comments for each question they answered and a summary of how they performed during their exam. The tutorial report comes with a breakdown of marks report.
The above reports can only be purchased through the student portal for seven days after the results are published and for the current session only.
Please note, students are not provided with a copy of their script as part of the tutorial report. Students wishing to apply for a copy of their script need to submit an access request to the privacy manager. Application form can be found here.
Appeals scheme
The Appeals Scheme comprises of two stages. Eligible students may choose to apply for either or both stages.
1. Option A: Grounds (i) and (ii)
(i) Appeal based on the Institute not acting in accordance with the regulation or any other applicable by-law.
(ii) Appeal based on an irregularity in the conduct of the examination.
Please note any issues covered under extenuating circumstances process i.e. technical issues, illness or bereavement will not be considered as a Grounds (i) and (ii) appeal.
Any accepted Grounds (i) and (ii) appeals will be considered by the Appeals Panel.
The Appeals Panel does not consider any appeals on the basis of academic judgement. There are marking checks in place during the marking and adjudication process which safeguard the reasonable application of judgement during marking.
2. Option B: Ground (iii) Clerical Recheck
The Examination Executive will arrange a re-check of processing in relation to the marking schedules to ensure that:
• No section of a script was left unmarked;
• All grades awarded were correctly included in the final result.
Information and appeals documents
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