The Young Professionals Committee elected Brendan Brophy as the chairperson at the AGM on Thursday 6 July. Brendan was elected alongside Niamh McCarthy as Vice chair for the 2023 / 2024 term.
We sat down with Brendan to learn more about him and his plans for the 2023 / 2024 term.
While I am often referred to as the ‘Australian’ among my Irish friends, I personally identify as blend of Australian and Irish, and I am a proud dual citizen. My parents emigrated to Australia from Belfast during the height of the Troubles, meaning I have Irish and Australian citizenship, and I was raised with a deep appreciation and love for both cultures.
I qualified as an Australian Chartered Accountant in 2016 through Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CAANZ). After gaining valuable experience as an accountant and tax professional in Australia, I decided to embark on a new journey and relocate to Dublin in mid-2017. I was able to obtain membership with Chartered Accountants Ireland through the reciprocal agreement between the two bodies.
I had four years of valuable tax experience in Australia, but when I landed in Ireland, I quickly realised that Australian tax regulations and expertise was not as highly sought after in the local market. I subsequently transitioned into diverse financial management and reporting roles and currently work as a Cost Accountant at Square.
Not long after my move to Dublin, I recall receiving an email from Chartered Accountants Ireland promoting an event organised by the Young Professionals Committee. Intrigued by the prospect of networking and connecting with fellow young professionals, I rallied a few of my co-workers to attend the event and the rest is history! Little did I know at the time that this would mark the beginning of my involvement with the committee. I am honoured to be elected as Chairperson of the Committee and look forward to a great year ahead.
This year my primary goal is to prioritise the establishment and nurturing of meaningful connections. While attending exceptional events with notable speakers and engaging entertainment can be valuable, I believe the true significance lies in sharing those experiences with others. As young professionals, we play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between senior management and junior staff, fostering connections and collaboration within the organisation. Furthermore, it is essential to maintain a strong connection with the Institute and the great resources such as CA Support and Thrive that our available to all members.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Peter Gillen on a fantastic year as chairperson of the Young Professionals Committee. Special thanks to my fellow committee members, as well as Institute staff Karin Lanigan and Linda McGee who work tirelessly behind the scenes to support all our initiatives.
I look forward to the year ahead and hope that many young professionals will join us virtually and in person at our upcoming events. Keep an eye on our LinkedIn and Instagram accounts to hear the latest developments.
Brendan Brophy