The Minister of State with responsibility for Company Regulation at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Dara Calleary TD has encouraged businesses to engage on new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, the CSRD. Read more.
Speaking at a recent webinar, Minister Calleary stated “The new rules for sustainability reporting may be challenging at the outset, however, the requirements have been sequenced, whilst still maintaining ambition, to allow companies, and the accounting and audit industry time to understand the new standards, start measuring the relevant data, and deepen the knowledge and skills necessary.”
Minister Calleary went on to state his intention to establish and chair a new sub-group of the Enterprise Forum on Responsible Business that will act as a link with industry and relevant stakeholders and will provide a platform for regular interaction between the Department and its agencies on these important matters.
A total of 34 responses were submitted by stakeholders and interested parties on the Member State options contained within the CSRD, ahead of its transposition into Irish law. (The response from Chartered Accountants Ireland can be found here and the Department’s published proposed policy response to the public consultation is here.)