In 1918, there were no women Chartered Accountants. By
1980, women represented 1.5% of the total membership of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in Ireland, and in 2009, the figure had increased
dramatically to 30%. This book recounts the struggle to gain access to the
profession in the early years of the 20th Century.
In spite of the fact that women have now achieved equal access and represent
50% of the student intake, they are very poorly represented at the top of the
profession. While other studies have told of the difficulties and obstacles
women have experienced in breaching the glass ceiling, this book, having looked
at the campaign for admission, focuses on success stories. It reports the
results of a study conducted with women who have succeeded in attaining
partnership in Big Four firms and draws lessons from their stories.
- No Place For a Lady
- The Struggle For Admission to the Profession
- Barriers and Obstacles to Progression
- Hearing the Voices from the Glass Ceiling
- Elite Women Managing their Careers
- Conclusions and Recommendations
For further information contact or telephone
on (+353) 01 637 7204
The Author
Patricia Barker is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants
Ireland, having qualified in 1973, the 20th woman to qualify since the inception
of the Institute in 1888. She served her articles with Stokes Bros & Pimin
Dublin and worked in Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. in Manchester. She then
became a partner in an accounting practice in Manchester and worked in
Manchester University as a principal lecturer. She was appointed lecturer in DCU
in 1980 and progressed through senior lecturer, Associate Dean (Business School)
and Vice-President (Academic) of DCU. She has completed an MPhil in Gender
Studies at Trinity College. Her PhD developed a paradigm of disclosure of
financial information to employees in organisations.