The Complaints Committee of the Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board (CARB), the body established by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (ICAI) to regulate its members, has announced the further appointment, on 16th March 2009, of Mr. John Purcell, former Comptroller and Auditor General, as its Special Investigator into additional matters involving Anglo Irish Bank.
In February CARB announced the appointment of Mr. Purcell as Special Investigator into the issues concerning directors’ loans and other matters at Anglo Irish Bank, to investigate possible breaches of ICAI Bye-Laws and rules of professional conduct by its members/member firms.
The additional matters which are now also to be the subject of an investigation by Mr. Purcell are:
- Certain deposits made by Irish Life & Permanent plc (“IL&P”) through its subsidiary Irish Life Assurance (“ILA”) with Anglo during 2008, and in particular during September-October 2008, and actions taken in relation to such deposits and the treatment of same in the accounts/financial statements of Anglo and the reporting of same to the Financial Regulator and the purpose of same (and the subsequent resignation in February 2009 of Mr. Peter Fitzpatrick, Group Financial Director of IL&P, a member of the Institute);
- The alleged provision during 2008 of loans of €451 million to 10 customers of Anglo in order to buy a number of the shares in Anglo held indirectly by Sean Quinn;
- And the role, if any, in relation to the aforesaid transactions of Mr. Sean Fitzpatrick and/or Mr. David Drumm and/or Mr. William McAteer, each being a director of Anglo at the relevant time and a member of the Institute (Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Drumm having resigned from Anglo in December 2008 and Mr. McAteer having resigned in January 2009)
- The performance of the Bank’s auditors, Ernst & Young, a member firm of the Institute, of their role in connection with the audit of the financial statements/accounts of Anglo in relation to the aforesaid transactions.
Mr. Purcell will also investigate:
- Certain deposits made by Irish Life & Permanent plc (“IL&P”) through its subsidiary Irish Life Assurance (“ILA”) with Anglo during 2008, and in particular during September-October 2008, and actions taken in relation to such deposits and the treatment of same in the accounts/financial statements of IL&P and/or ILA and the reporting of same to the financial regulator and the purpose of same and the subsequent resignation on the 13th February 2009 of Mr. Peter Fitzpatrick, Group Financial Director of IL&P, a member of the Institute
- The role, if any, in relation to the aforesaid transaction of Mr. Peter Fitzpatrick, Mr. Fitzpatrick being a director of IL&P at the relevant time and a member of the Institute
The appointment of a Special Investigator follows from the determination of the Complaints Committee at its meeting on 16th March 2009 that the issues under consideration gave rise to questions of public concern in accordance with Bye-Law 71 of the ICAI Bye-Laws.