Formal Complaints against Mr Alan Hynes, a member of Chartered Accountants Ireland ("the Institute") with an address in Wexford, were heard at hearings before a Disciplinary Tribunal, which were held over fifteen days between 4 February 2014 and 27 March 2015. The Tribunal made certain adverse findings on a number of the Formal Complaints which concerned: Tuskar Asset Management plc (in liquidation) (TAM); the development of three sites (a) known as The Laurels, Dundrum, Dublin 14 (also referred to as the Dundrum Co-Ownership); (b) in Castlepark, Dalkey (also referred to as Castlepark Court); and (c) in Maynooth (also referred to as the Maynooth Partnership); and certain judgment debts. Mr Hynes appealed all such adverse findings and orders made against him to an Appeal Tribunal.
The Appeal Tribunal, on 4 February 2019, dismissed the member's appeal pursuant to Regulation 35.13.2 of the 2016 Disciplinary Regulations. The outcome of the dismissal was that the following findings and orders made by the Disciplinary Tribunal against Mr Hynes came into effect:
A. That Mr Alan Hynes did act in breach of the Bye-law 6.1 (e) (of the Institute's Disciplinary Bye-laws of 2012) by failing to satisfy judgment debts.
In respect of such finding, it is ordered that the member be severely reprimanded.
B. In relation to the Formal Complaints concerning Tuskar Asset Management plc (in liquidation) (TAM), the Mr Alan Hynes, a member of the Institute with an address in Wexford, and formerly practising as Hynes & Co. Chartered Accountants and Hynes & Co. Financial Services Limited, Tuskar House, Johns Gate Street, Wexford, while so practising and/or since ceasing to practice did:
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principles (a), (b) and (c): Integrity, Objectivity and Professional Competence and Due Care and Section 220: Conflict of Interest by failing to act appropriately in situations where the member had a conflict of interest and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct;
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principles: (a), (b), (c) and (e): Integrity, Objectivity, Professional Competence and Due Care and Professional Behaviour by failing to provide timely and adequate information to investors and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct;
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principle: (c): Professional Competence and Due Care which requires that a client should receive 'competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques.' It also requires members to act 'in accordance with the requirements of an assignment, carefully, thoroughly and on a timely basis'; and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct;
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principle (c): Professional Competence and Due Care by failing to ensure that he acted in accordance with the Institute's Investment Business Regulations;
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principle: (a): Integrity which requires that a member be straightforward and honest in professional and business relationship. Integrity also implies fair dealing and truthfulness.' 'It follows that a professional accountant's advice and work must be uncorrupted by self-interest and not be influenced by the interests of other parties' and that certain of his actions amounted to professional misconduct; and
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principle: (a): Integrity through the diversion of client funds and that certain of his actions amounted to professional misconduct.
In respect of such findings, it is ordered that the member be excluded from membership of Chartered Accountants Ireland,
C. In relation to the Formal Complaints concerning the development of a site known as The Laurels, Dundrum, Dublin 14 (also referred to as the Dundrum Co-Ownership), that Mr Alan Hynes, a member of the Institute with an address in Wexford, and formerly practising as Hynes & Co. Chartered Accountants and Hynes & Co Financial Services Limited, Tuskar House, Johns Gate Street, Wexford, while so practising and/or since ceasing to practice, did:
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principles (a), (b) and (c): Integrity, Objectivity and Professional Competence and Due Care and Section 220: Conflict of Interest by failing to act appropriately in situations where the member had a conflict of interest and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct;
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principles: (a), (b), (c) and (e): Integrity, Objectivity, Professional Competence and Due Care and Professional Behaviour by failing to provide timely and adequate information to investors and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct;
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principle: (c): Professional Competence and Due Care which requires that a client should receive 'competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques'. It also requires members to act 'in accordance with the requirements of an assignment, carefully, thoroughly and on a timely basis'; and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct; and
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principle: (a): Integrity which requires that a member be 'straightforward and honest in professional and business relationship. Integrity also implies fair dealing and truthfulness.' It follows that a professional accountant's advice and work must be uncorrupted by self-interest and not be influenced by the interests of other parties'.
In respect of such findings, it is ordered that the member be excluded from membership of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
D. In relation to the Formal Complaints concerning the development of a site in Castlepark, Dalkey (also referred to as Castlepark Court), that Mr Alan Hynes , a member of the Institute with an address in Wexford, and formerly practising as Hynes & Co Chartered Accountants and Hynes & Co Financial Services Limited, Tuskar House, Johns Gate Street, Wexford, while so practising and/or since ceasing to practice, did:
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principles: (a), (b), (c) and (e): Integrity, Objectivity, Professional Competence and Due Care and Professional Behaviour by failing to provide timely and adequate information to investors and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct; and
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principle: (c) Professional Competence and Due Care which requires that a client should receive 'competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques'. It also requires members to act 'in accordance with the requirements of an assignment, carefully, thoroughly and on a timely basis'; and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct.
In respect of such findings, it is ordered that the member be excluded from membership of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
E. In relation to the Formal Complaints concerning the development of a site in Maynooth (also referred to as the Maynooth Partnership) that Mr Alan Hynes , a member of the Institute with an address in Wexford, and formerly practising as Hynes & Co Chartered Accountants and Hynes & Co Financial Services Limited, Tuskar House, Johns Gate Street, Wexford, while so practising and/or since ceasing to practice, did:
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principles (a), (b) and (c): Integrity, Objectivity and Professional Competence and Due Care and Section 220: Conflict of Interest by failing to act appropriately in situations where the member had a conflict of interest and that his actions amounted to professional misconduct;
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principles: (a), (b), (c) and (e): Integrity, Objectivity, Professional Competence and Due Care and Professional Behaviour by failing to provide timely and adequate information to investors; and
- act in breach of the Institute's Code of Ethics for Members: Fundamental Principle: (c) Professional Competence and Due Care which requires that a client should receive 'competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques'. It also requires members to act 'in accordance with the requirements of an assignment, carefully, thoroughly and on a timely basis'.
In respect of such findings, it is ordered that the member be excluded from membership of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
F. It is further ordered that Mr Hynes pay €500,000 towards the costs of CARB.
On 8 February 2019, the Appeal Tribunal awarded costs against Mr Hynes in relation to the appeal and ordered a contribution in the amount of €50,000.
Reference: Karen Jones, Gibney Communications
Ph: 01 6610 402