Information relating to the training requirements to become a member of Chartered Accountants Ireland
Training requirements
The quantity of recognised training experience required to qualify as a Chartered Accountant depends on your prior academic experience. Under the Chartered Accountants Ireland training framework, graduates are required to complete a 3.5-year training contract (or equivalent period under the Flexible Route), accredited post-graduate entrants a 3-year training contract/period, and school leavers (Accounting Technicians) to complete a 4-year period.
For CPA Ireland students who register with Chartered Accountants Ireland, there will be a 3-year experience requirement. The three years’ experience can be acquired before or after the Amalgamation, or a combination of both.
The Audit Qualification
Any audit experience gained to date within your firm and accepted by CPA Ireland will count towards your ultimate Audit Qualification. You should, once you have registered with Chartered Accountants Ireland, contact the
Training Support Unit of Chartered Accountants Ireland to be given appropriate advice on the requirements to complete your audit experience.
We do not envisage any issues with this transition as both CPA Ireland and Chartered Accountants Ireland requirements are broadly similar and are approved and monitored by the Irish regulator (IAASA).