We recently issued a reminder that second hand vehicles moved from Great Britain (“GB”) to Northern Ireland (“NI”) prior to 1 May 2023 can continue to avail of the VAT margin scheme, but only until the extended deadline of 30 April 2024. HMRC has requested details of any such vehicles still in stock and unsold. Please contact us to provide this information by Friday 22 March 2024. Our thanks go to anyone who has already been in touch to provide this information.
The 30 April 2024 deadline means that any vehicles moved from GB to NI prior to 1 May 2023 but sold after 30 April 2024 will require output VAT to be charged on the full selling price, and not on the margin.
The six-month extension from the original deadline of 31 October 2023 followed extensive lobbying from Chartered Accountants Ireland in September and October 2023.