Other institute resources
There are many other resources in the Institute to assist members and links to some of these are outlined below:
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
The Institute continually run CPD events many of which have technical content. A full listing of current courses and webinars is available here.
Ethics Resource Centre
The Code of Ethics (The Code) helps members by providing a framework within which they can make ethical decisions. The Code, guidance & information on ethics related issues and all other information related to the Code can be found in the Ethics Resource Centre.
Governance Resource Centre:
The Governance Resource Centre contains the main governance codes applicable in ROI including the Charities Regulator, the Central Bank, the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Irish Funds Industry Association. These codes, governance reference materials and news can be accessed here.
Practice Consulting
The Practice Consulting team support members in practice with a range of supports including advice on going into practice. They have also produced helpsheets and practice toolkits.
Professional Standards
The Professional Standards Department of Chartered Accountants Ireland, along with relevant compliance and disciplinary committees, is responsible for the delivery of the Institute's regulatory and disciplinary obligations which derive both from statute and its own Bye-Laws and Regulations. Information relating to professional standards can be accessed here.