"Since 1988, CA Support have assisted me and my family in dealing with the consequences of my illness. My family have been supported and sustained. My children have been fully educated. Our handicapped son has been well provided for. Please convey my sincere thanks to the members of CA Support for their support, kindness and painstaking care in assisting me over the years."
Elderly member who suffered a long term illness
"A belated thank you for the cheque we received at the beginning of the summer. We purchased a new computer and a keyboard for our two autistic sons, and our daughter went to a ballet camp. Thank you for all your support over the past nine years. We were able to give the children extra special memories. Also through your funding I was able to get educated in autism and this helped me in getting the best possible services for the boys. All professionals involved feel they are doing exceptionally well."
Family with 3 children, 2 with autism, on receiving a summer grant
"We do not know how we would have managed to keep a roof over the boys’ heads without the assistance of CA Support. My husband is 74 years old and I am 72. We don’t have the ability to earn any extra money as we are both too old. The two boys are in great health - one sitting his leaving certificate and the other in college - and as you can imagine it takes every penny to keep up. We would like to express our appreciation to you for enabling us to raise our two grandchildren as best we can."
Elderly couple caring for their two orphaned grandsons
"We are very grateful for the kind support and generosity of CA Support at this difficult time. You have helped me more than you may possibly ever be aware of. We appreciate your words of encouragement, the time you gave us and the peace of mind knowing that the grocery bill and some other overheads were going to be managed.
We would like to think we have always been aware of those less fortunate than ourselves and try to recognise that, as tough as life is at the moment, it could be worse. We see that everything appears to exist in a circle. The help we are lucky enough to receive through the CA Support can hopefully be circulated to others in time."
Married man, with two young children, whose company went into liquidation leaving large liabilities
"Feeling compelled to ask for assistance has been a humbling experience but the response of CA Support, in terms of how they handled my request has confirmed my faith in the profession I have been a member of for over 30 years."
Married member with Motor Neuron Disease with two children in education
"I have gone back to work part-time. At long last I have my life in order. I wish to thank CA Support for their help and kindness over the last few years. You have made a great difference to my life."
Woman separated in her sixties – no longer needing the monthly grant
"I would like to say a sincere thank you for your interest and encouragement. I would have gone under without your input. It has been a source of great consolation to me and my wife to know that there was an organisation like CA Support in existence, funded by charitable members, who care about those who didn’t set the business world on fire and needed help. I will forever sing your praises."
Retired member
"Your support has been an answer to a prayer. We are more grateful than words can easily express. It has been a tough last quarter. I have struggled with the black dog a lot and every time I think I have got my feet back under me, another wave seems to hit. But we are still going forward a little most months and at worst holding our own.
Going for a walk along the beach on a Wednesday evening at dinner-time, because there is nothing to buy dinner with, is a haunting and forgettable experience."
Married man suffering from depression