Step 1: See Funding Policy
Funding Policy
The Trust welcomes applications from the academic research community both within and outside the island of Ireland. It is particularly interested in applications based on professional, business and/or international collaboration.
Grants cover the direct expenditure attributable to the project (Note: College/University fees are not paid for). Following any decision by the Trust to approve funding, claims for reimbursement should be supported by vouched expenses or other appropriate evidence.
The Trust is not limited to supporting academic research only. It is also available to those in practice or in any other form of activity that promotes the science of accounting and/or accountancy education.
It must be clearly acknowledged in each project that the Trust has supported it. The suggested form of wording to be used in such acknowledgement is:
This article/report/book is based on research carried out in collaboration with xxxx from xxxx and with financial support from the Chartered Accountants Ireland Educational Trust.
Copies of the research outputs must be made available to the Trust. The Trust reserves the right to publish such outputs on its website or in its journal or any other Chartered Accountants Ireland publication. There is a requirement that among the research outputs from a funded project there should be one submission to the official academic journal of the IAFA, at present entitled the Accounting, Finance and Governance Review (this is a journal funded by the Trust), and a shorter, professionally-focused paper submitted to Accountancy Ireland.
Projects which are unduly delayed may be reassessed by the Trustees. Grant recipients are required to provide written progress updates to the Trustees at least twice per annum (March and August).
Seed funding is available for small projects (typically c.€1K/£1K). If the project is linked to PhD studies, the following must be noted:
- The name, title, position, institution of the principal supervisor must be provided.
- The candidate must identify the exact requirements for funding (e.g. transcription costs following conducted interviews), and identify the expected impact of same.
- The candidate must commit to outputs based on research for which the funding is required, and not the final PhD output.
- Please note that college/university fees are not paid for.
The Trust has identified broad research themes to stimulate applications for funding and they may come from the following areas:
Research themes
Audit and assurance |
Business ethics |
Business reporting |
Governance: both in business and in other organisational forms |
Management accounting and financial management |
Methodologies of education and training |
Not-for-profit and public sector accounting reporting and regulation: this can include state agencies, charities or credit unions |
Still unsure your research qualifies for funding?
Please contact
Maria Murphy if you have any enquiries.
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