Iain Hall, LGT Fund Managers Ltd
Tell us about your academic background?
I did the Leaving Cert in 2003, went to university in the US subsequently completing a BA and MBA.
Why accountancy?
When I came back from the states and was looking at jobs, accounting roles seemed like an attractive option (due to availability and the possibility of pursuing a professional qualification).
Why Chartered Accountants Ireland?
It seemed like any time I talked to anyone in the industry. Chartered Accountants Ireland carried more weight.
Can you explain the Flexible Route to someone who doesn't know what it is?
When I started the program it was called the elevation program – it is a route designed to open up the ACA qualification to people not employed in a traditional trainee accountant role with an accounting firm.
What are advantages to working and studying?
Working and studying allows you to continue to develop professionally without having to sacrifice your earning potential, it is also a flag to your employer that you're committed and serious about what you're doing.
Where have you worked and what kind of roles have you been in?
Since returning home I've been with LGT Fund Managers. Originally as a Junior Fund Accountant then Senior Fund Accountant then Fund Accounting Supervisor and now Fund Operations Manager – all roles involved in the administration of private equity funds.
Describe a typical day for you?
In my role I provide oversight to fund accountants and supervisors – as such, I have a lot of different tasks/areas including: approving payments, reviewing day to day work, checking deliverables, investor and audit queries, etc.
How was combing work and study?
It was challenging particularly at first for CAP1 with so many classes but overall quite manageable – I was fortunate to be working within walking distance of Pearse Street so made getting down to lectures a lot easier.
Can you see how someone who is not an accountant might benefit from this qualification?
The ACA qualification covers many areas other than strict accounting including law, strategy, economics, decision making and finance – a really broad business base which will help anyone.
Would you recommend the Flexible Route to others? Why?
Yes, although a significant investment, the rewards are well worth it!
What advice would you give someone who is considering the Flexible Route?
It will be a challenge, but well worth it in the end.
What success are you looking for?
I hope to continue to grow personally and professionally and find new challenges.
What are your future goals?
I hope to continue to develop in my current role and when the time comes to make a change and be ready and willing to accept it.