2021 Denis Jackson-Wade Sessions
In the first half of 2021 the Ulster Society Young Professionals Group held a new Health and Well-Being series for members.
This consisted of 3 short Breathing and Meditation Sessions with Denis Jackson-Wade, and are highly recommended.
Recordings of all of these sessions are available below.
Breathing and Meditation Session 1
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Breathing and Meditation Session 2
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Breathing and Meditation Session 3
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2021 Elizabeth Welty Sessions
In the first half of 2021 the Ulster Society Young Professionals Group held a new Health and Well-Being series for members.
This consisted of 3 short 'Stretch, Breathe and Meditation Breaks' with Elizabeth Welty of Flow Studio, and are highly recommended.
Recordings of all of these sessions are available below.
Stretch, Breathe and Meditate with Elizabeth - Part 1: 'Calm is a Super Power'
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Stretch, Breathe and Meditate with Elizabeth - Part 2: 'Mental Fitness'
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Stretch, Breathe and Meditate with Elizabeth - Part 3: 'Generating Sunshine on the Inside'
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2020 Sessions
During 2020 the Ulster Society Young Professionals Group held a Health and Well-Being series for members.
The first consisted of three, 10-minute sessions with Sandra Daly exploring some key elements of meditation, mindfulness and yoga.
The second was a set of three sessions from the highly recommended Pilates programme from Primal Fitness.
The third was a set of breathing and movement health hacks from Kyle Patterson of Create Your State.
Recordings of all of these sessions are available below.