Last week the Institute attended HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (“MTD”) for Income Tax Self-Assessment (“ITSA”) quarterly forum meeting. The meeting provided an update on what’s been happening with the Small Business Review and also discussed the current MTD for ITSA trial.
Small Business Review
HMRC advised that the outcome of this review into landlords and self-employed individuals with turnover less than £30,000 is expected to be announced sometime in the autumn but could not provide further details of when exactly this may be, except to say that any announcement would be to “Ministerial timelines”.
The review is designed to understand this taxpayer population better taking into account the burdens that MTD for ITSA would impose, and pain points, including the potential for easements and simplifications. HMRC also continues to consider the implications of MTD for ITSA on niche incomes such as foster carers. Revised regulations are expected to be published in early 2024 following a technical consultation on these in draft.
Earlier this year, Chartered Accountants Ireland, and several members from a range of practice sizes met with HMRC as part of the Small Business Review. During the meeting we stressed that the MTD for ITSA exemption threshold needs to be more realistic and should be set at the VAT registration threshold. We also expressed concern that agents will not be able to bulk sign up clients, that the trial will only be public from April 2025, and that there is a need for free bridging software to be available.
MTD for ITSA trial
Following the December 2022 announcement of the delay to the introduction of MTD for ITSA and its phasing in from 2026, HMRC then paused new sign-ups to the existing MTD ITSA pilot in order to review its testing approach but confirmed in last week’s meeting that the trial is now open again to new participants. Readers are reminded that strict conditions must be met to participate in the current trial which also is only open to those with a 5 April accounting period end. Non-5 April accounting period ends are expected to be able to join the trial in 2024/25.
A new testing strategy was shared with stakeholders, including this Institute, earlier this year which outlined the revised trial timetable as follows:-
Small private beta testing 2023/24;
Large private beta testing 2024/25; and
Public beta testing 2025/26.
The Institute remains concerned that public beta testing will not commence until 2025/26, which therefore means that one full cycle of testing will not be completed by many taxpayers before mandation for the turnover over £50,000 population from 6 April 2026. We are also concerned at the low number of those currently participating in the trial and that this will cause delays to further elements of the trial.
HMRC is now working with software developers to transition from the previous pilot into private beta testing. Taxpayers who were in the original pilot and wish to continue can be automatically moved into the private beta.
HMRC is also working with developers to identify any new taxpayers who could join the private beta, subject to the necessary conditions being met.
According to HMRC, private beta testing is being enhanced by new support arrangements. Previously, taxpayers were guided through each MTD ITSA submission in live video calls. Taxpayers and their Agents can now make submissions without video support but can access help from a new dedicated support team by email ( or phone (0300 322 9619 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday).
HMRC has also confirmed that private beta participants with an agent do not need a 64-8 authorisation form if a digital handshake is in place authorising their agent. This is limited to agents contacting the support team.