Sustainability Expert Working Group
The Sustainability Expert Working Group advises Chartered Accountants Ireland on sustainability matters, through sharing awareness, insights, knowledge and advice on industry best practice.
The working group comprises representatives from accounting firms, government organisations and NGOs, academia, business, professional accounting organisations, and the energy, banking sector and technology sectors.
With the guidance of this group, Chartered Accountants Ireland will increase its own awareness and that of its members to inform and influence at all levels: local, national, European and global.
To support the Institute through recommendations on current policy and policy development in the area of sustainability.
To advise the Institute on the development of new priority areas for sustainability, the recommended actions or interventions to be taken to address priorities and when to reduce focus in existing areas.
To advise how the Institute can best influence or lobby decision-makers on members’ behalf, and how we can connect with other professional associations and organisations to further the sustainability priorities.
To support the Institute through recommendations on current policy and policy development in the area of sustainability.
To advise the Institute on the development of new priority areas for sustainability, the recommended actions or interventions to be taken to address priorities and when to reduce focus in existing areas.
To advise how the Institute can best influence or lobby decision-makers on members’ behalf, and how we can connect with other professional associations and organisations to further the sustainability priorities.
To support the Institute through recommendations on current policy and policy development in the area of sustainability.
To advise the Institute on the development of new priority areas for sustainability, the recommended actions or interventions to be taken to address priorities and when to reduce focus in existing areas.
To advise how the Institute can best influence or lobby decision-makers on members’ behalf, and how we can connect with other professional associations and organisations to further the sustainability priorities.