In this week’s Sustainability/ESG Bulletin read about our Sustainability Trends overview for 2025. Also covered are the new sources of funding for sustainability programmes in Ireland, a public consultation on a National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure, a report into skills shortages in Northern Ireland, the EU’s actions for safe and sustainable e-commerce imports, and its calls on Ireland to communicate measures re the Directive on Gender Balance on Corporate Boards. Find a link to the ICEAW’s new Sustainability Accelerator Programme, technical updates, and the usual articles and upcoming events.
Ireland news
Enterprise Ireland launches programme to advance sustainability research
Enterprise Ireland has announced the launch of the Sustain-FIT Programme (2025-2029), an initiative designed to strengthen Ireland’s sustainability and digitalisation research capabilities while addressing the urgent need for climate action. Co-funded by Enterprise Ireland and the European Union under Horizon Europe, the approximately €15 million programme will recruit 50 postdoctoral researchers from across the world to collaborate with Irish companies on innovative sustainability-focused research projects.
€12.1 million funding boosts sustainability and manufacturing productivity in third-level sector
Ten successful projects from across the third-level sector have secured €12.1 million in funding to improve the capabilities of the existing Technology Gateways and EI/IDA Technology Centres by investing at a scale that allows them to bridge the gap between their existing capabilities and the state of the art. With individual awards of up to €2 million available, the equipment funded through this initiative will become an engine of economic development for local companies, in particular SMEs who could not afford to invest at this scale. The new equipment will particularly help companies develop new products and services in areas focusing on Sustainability and Manufacturing Productivity.
Funding to drive energy efficiency across the FET sector
€8 million in funding has been announced for green capital grants at the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) to help them deliver energy efficiency and decarbonisation targets in Further Education and Training (FET) buildings. The funding, which will be distributed through SOLAS, may be used to address small-scale measures specifically aimed at achieving targets for 2030, as set out in the Public Sector Climate Action Mandate. These include reducing Ireland’s Greenhouse Gas emissions by 51 percent by 2030, increasing energy efficiencies in the public sector to 50 percent by 2030, and updating Climate Action Roadmaps annually.
Public consultation announced on National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure
The Department of Transport has announced it will publish a public consultation in Q2 on a draft of theNational Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure. The Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), in force since 13 April 2024, is an important part of the EU’s Fit for 55 policy package to reduce EU emissions by 55 percent by 2030 and make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. Ireland’s updated policy framework will revise and replace the existing National Policy Framework on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland 2017-2030 to reflect the mandatory requirements set under the AFIR. The final policy framework is required to be submitted to the EU Commission by 31 December 2025.
ISIF and Schroders Greencoat launch new fund focused on investing in energy transition infrastructure assets across Europe
The Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) and Schroders Greencoat, the specialist renewables and energy transition infrastructure manager of Schroders Capital, have together announced a new private markets fund focused on investing in energy transition infrastructure assets across Europe and in particular, Ireland where the Fund will be seeking to invest in a number of projects. ISIF has committed €100m to the Fund, which will aim to build a diversified portfolio of energy transition investments across Europe. Investments in Ireland will be focused on the growth of renewable energy infrastructure capabilities, grid infrastructure, interconnection with Europe and the UK, and battery storage.
BITCI calls on the Government to accelerate corporate environmental action
Business in the Community Ireland has published a list of 10 ways Ireland’s next government can support businesses in accelerating climate and nature action. The list, which published following the issuing of the Programme for Government, notes that businesses in Ireland are already taking steps, and “should be seen as a key partner in national environmental efforts.” However, the report notes, without strong government leadership, the business community’s efforts risk being “undermined by uneven competition, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of regulatory certainty.”
The recommendations include, among other things, accelerating the roll-out of clean energy infrastructure, investing in decarbonisation, streamlining approvals for sustainable innovations, building sustainability skills of the workforce, and fostering collaboration for collective action.
Northern Ireland/UK news
Northern Ireland faces significant skills shortage across key sectors
Northern Ireland is projected to face a significant skills shortage according to the Northern Ireland Skills Barometer 2023-2033, developed by the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre. The report highlights a skills undersupply at all qualification levels, as the workforce grows to an anticipated one million jobs by 2033. Low carbon and net zero sectors are among the sectors in which this growth will occur, alongside agri-tech, life and health sciences, advanced manufacturing, materials and engineering, fintech and financial services, software and cyber industries. The report recommends that investing in skills remain a central pillar of economic policy, particularly for supporting the development of low carbon and net zero industries.
Net Zero Council relaunched to supercharge Clean Energy Superpower Mission
The UK Government has relaunched an expanded Net Zero Council, bringing together business, civil society and local authorities to drive the clean energy transition as part of the Plan for Growth. New members include representatives from the Trades Union Congress and Design Council, bringing expertise of green skills and jobs creation to the council to support the government’s mission for clean energy growth on the path to net zero. Among the priorities for 2025/26 is supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to decarbonise while maximising the benefits of the transition.
Voluntary climate reporting in UK events sector
Ten local authorities in the UK have piloted a Green Events Code of Practice (GECoP) to assess how effectively local authorities could integrate an environmental assessment into event processes, and the resulting positive impact it could have on their environmental practices. Developed by the event industry following a sector consultation, the GECoP pilot was led by Vision for Sustainable Events and Julie’s Bicycle. The Donut Advisory Toolkit for Events (DATE) was used as the main event assessment method against GECoP. For more information or to download the full report on the pilot project, visit
Europe News
Accountancy Europe has published its February Sustainability Update, with news on the European Commission’s Competitiveness Package, EFRAG’s voluntary sustainability reporting standards for SMEs and more.
Commission announces actions for safe and sustainable e-commerce imports
The European Commission has published a communication in which it is announcing action it is taking to tackle risks stemming from low-value imports sold via non-EU online retailers and marketplaces hosting non-EU traders. These actions are part of the Communication on E-Commerce which the Commission is proposing. The Commission is calling on the cooperation of Member States, the co-legislators and all stakeholders, to put in place the measures outlined in the Communication, and will assess the effect of the announced actions and publish a report on the findings of the increased controls within a year.
Commission calls on Ireland and other Member States to communicate measures transposing the provisions of the Directive on Gender Balance on Corporate Boards
The European Commission has decided to open an infringement procedure[GM1] by sending a letter of formal notice Ireland, among other Member States, for only having notified partial transposition of the Directive on Gender Balance on Corporate Boards. Member States concerned now have two months to reply to the letters of formal notice and complete their transposition, or the Commission may decide to issue a reasoned opinion.
World news
OECD - Global Outlook on Financing for Sustainable Development 2025
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published its Global Outlook on Financing for Sustainable Development 2025. This biennial flagship analysis of major trends impacting the global financial system and financing for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identifies priorities for negotiators at the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), which is set to take place in Seville this year.
Institute for Human Rights and Business launches new database to “demystify” just transitions
The Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) has launched a database featuring 50 inclusive projects that are seeking to prioritise the rights of people most impacted by net zero. Compiled by IHRB, the JUST Stories Database is a practical resource for business, finance, government, unions and civil society, spanning global initiatives across sectors including energy, agriculture, finance, and the built environment, where the people impacted by decarbonisation are actively involved in transition design in various ways.
Technical Roundup
(From our colleagues in Professional Accounting)
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is hosting an event on 25 February 2025 to discuss disclosures about transition plans - IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures.
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has published the final report from its market study into the assurance of sustainability reporting.
The GRI Academy has launched a new ESRS Reporting program for all reporters to prepare to navigate the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
In its recent article, the GRI discuss some practices and steps that companies can take to mitigate against the risk of greenwashing.
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has released a podcast hosted by ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber and ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd discussing the latest developments around the ISSB.
In its article entitled “CSRD & CSDDD: key provisions and concepts”, Accountancy Europe look at some of the key features, concepts and differences between the two Directives.
The IFRS Foundation has published a guide entitled “Applying IFRS S1 when reporting only climate-related disclosures in accordance with IFRS S2”. This guide is intended to support the implementation of the International Sustainability Reporting Standards.
The Institute of Chartered Accountant England and Wales (ICAEW) has designed a Sustainability Accelerator Programmeto offer chartered accountants practical tools on building the business case for sustainability, ESG reporting and more. The new programme, which launched on 3 February, offers flexible, bite-sized elearning resources and certificates to ensure accountants can better advise on all sustainability related matters.
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has published a blog discussing various supports the EU provides for SMEs of all sizes and sectors: Three impactful ways your SME could benefit from EU supports
Business for Biodiversity Ireland have published an article on the benefits of developing a Nature Ambition Statement to help guide your nature strategy. Focusing on the key elements of what a Nature Ambition Statement is, the article describes steps to take and provides links to good examples.
Did you know?
Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) celebrated its first anniversary on 1 February. Some numbers:
over 980 million containers collected
near-50 percent reduction in the prevalence of plastic bottles and cans in litter
84 percent public participation with DRS
90 percent recognition of the Re-turn logo/brand
€90,000 raised for the Return for Children charity initiative
Tough choices must be made on the climate crisis (Irish Times)
Climate Change & Biodiversity Loss: The Rising Risks Organisations Must Address (Climate Action for Associations)
Sustainability reporting: building trust and credibility (ICEAW Insights)
EU Omnibus: Investors warn against re-opening core sustainability legal texts (Responsible Investor)
Ireland among list of almost all nations to miss UN deadline for new climate targets (The Journal)
Revealed: The €9 billion fossil fuel footprint in Irish private pensions (Business Post)
Global Ethics Sustainability Standards Webinars, Webinar Series Alert: Understanding IESBA’s New Sustainability Standards
The IESBA sustainability-related ethics and independence standards will establish global baseline standards for ethical sustainability reporting and assurance. These groundbreaking standards address greenwashing risks, other ethical responsibilities, and independence requirements for sustainability assurance. Join the IESBA Team in this free webinar series as they break down the IESSA (International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance) and other key revisions to the Code.
Virtual, various times/dates
Chartered Accountants Ireland, Women’s Mentoring Circle Event (ROI/NI)
Take part in a unique gathering for women in the chartered accountancy profession, where connection and collaboration meet career development! This event provides a space to share successes and challenges, gain fresh perspectives, and explore practical solutions through peer mentoring. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your professional network, build relationships, and be part of a supportive and inspiring community.
In person | Chartered Accountant House, 47/49 Pearse Street, Dublin 2 | 20 Feb, 18:00-20:00 | €10 (proceeds to charity)
SustainabilityWorks/IBEC Academy, CSRD Readiness
Gain a clear understanding of the terms, standards, and processes involved in this one-day online course. The SustainabilityWorks team has hands-on experience delivering CSRD projects, ensuring you get practical insights and real-world knowledge.
Virtual, 21 February, 09:30 - 16:30
A4S, Sustainability in Action Webinar: Management Information
This interactive webinar, aimed at finance professionals, will provide practical insights on how to refocus management reporting and management information by introducing a more integrated approach. Information drives decisions – our speakers will show how considering social and environmental factors results in better information that drives better decisions.
Virtual, 25 February, 16.00 GMT
Mid South West Economic Engine, SME Big Breakfast Briefing: Reduce Energy Costs with Net Zero Action
Hosted by BBC’s Louise Cullen, attendees at this event will gain exclusive insights from Invest NI, hear the real success stories from local businesses and learn how to be the Supplier of Choice in 2025. There will be insights from Invest NI’s Green Economy Team and a session on how to be the Supplier of Choice in 2025. The Carbonfit team will be on hand to help you sign up and get started.
In person, Glenavon Hotel, Cookstown, BT80 8QS, 6 March, 09:00 - 14:00
Institute of Chartered Accountant England and Wales (ICEAW), 2025: ESG – how should the financial statements reflect sustainability?
Gain a practical understanding of how to reflect ESG principles in financial reporting for your organisation.
Virtual, 14 & 24 March 2025, 9.30-12.30
Chartered Accountants Ireland ESG Masterclass: Take your sustainability knowledge to the next level (ROI/NI)
Masterclass designed for all professional accountants working in business or practice, wishing to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of the sustainability regulatory, reporting and assurance landscape.
9 April, 08:30 – 14.00, Virtual
Chartered Accountants Ireland, The SME and SMP Sustainability Workshop
A workshop for SMEs and small/medium accounting practices (SMPs) on how to get ahead of the sustainability curve. This interactive half-day session will focus on positive actions you can take to understand the ‘trickle-down’ effect of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ('CSRD’), green public procurement, access to sustainable finance, and how to make your practice more sustainable to save costs and respond to staff and client demands.
Virtual, 23 May, 9.30- 12.30; €60 members; €75 non-members; 3 hours CPD points.
Sustainability Centre
You can find information, guidance and supports to understand sustainability and meet the challenges it presents in our online Sustainability Centre.