The Professional Standards Department (PSD) Quality Assurance Team has recently compiled a list of common matters arising on audit and investment business inspection visits, which are set out below. Please note that, where PSD returns to firms that have had a relatively recent visit, it conducts follow-up procedures to ensure that the firm has taken action to address matters raised at the previous visit.
Audit Inspections
Financial Reporting
Firms need to perform audit procedures to evaluate whether the overall presentation of the financial statements, including the related disclosures, is in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework which, in recent years, has been substantially changed by the introduction of FRS 100-105 and amendments to company law.
PSD found that, for the most part, firms had adequately addressed the requirements of FRS 102 and, in RoI, the Companies Act 2014 (‘CA 2014’) through the use of checklists. However, non-application of FRS 102 by audit clients was sometimes not identified. Firms should ensure that their audit procedures to assess the appropriateness and completeness of disclosures are up to date for the relevant financial reporting regimes.
Certain common omissions were identified:
Statement of Changes in Equity or Statement of Cash Flows, where relevant;
Significant judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty in relation to amounts recognised in the financial statements (FRS 102 s8.6-8.7);
Where relevant, material uncertainties related to events or conditions that cast significant doubt upon the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern (FRS 102 s3.8-3.9);
The measurement basis (or bases) used for financial instruments and the other accounting policies used for financial instruments that are relevant to an understanding of the financial statements (FRS 102 s11.40);
Disclosures relating to creditors required by CA 2014 Schedule 3, such as terms of payment/repayment and the rate of any interest payable on debts.
(N.B.The specific FRS 102-related matters noted above relate to financial statements prepared in accordance with the full requirements of FRS 102 and may not be relevant to financial statements where the small/micro companies regime is applied.)
International Education Standard (IES) 8 (Revised)
IES 8 Professional Competence for Engagement Partners Responsible for Audits of Financial Statements (Revised) was issued by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) in December 2014 and is effective from 1 July 2016. Its objective is to establish the professional competence that professional accountants develop and maintain when performing the role of an Engagement Partner. During an audit monitoring visit, the inspector will make enquiries to assess whether a firm is familiar with IES 8 (Revised), including consideration of the learning outcomes which are listed in Table A to the Standard.
Firms can obtain a copy of IES 8 (Revised) at:
Investment Business inspections
Investment Business (IB) inspections carried out by PSD over the last few years had focused on firms holding IB1/IB2 authorisation. However, PSD is now conducting an increased number of IB inspections to firms holding all levels of IB authorisation, including a sample of firms holding IA1/IA2 authorisation.
Firms should be mindful of, and ensure they address, the following matters
Investment business procedures (IBR 2.56)
All authorised firms are required to establish and maintain adequate written investment business procedures. These should include managing conflicts of interest, maintaining ‘Chinese Walls’ and the consequences of breaching them, along with the handling of errors and complaints. A firm must adequately train its principals carrying on investment business and its employees using these procedures.
Training (IBR 2.60)
Authorised firms must make arrangements to ensure that principals and employees involved in investment business maintain an appropriate level of competence and comply with Institute CPD requirements. Firms authorised in Category IA2 and above must make arrangements to ensure compliance with the Central Bank Minimum Competency Code, which has recently been updated. A copy of the Code can be obtained on the Central Bank of Ireland’s website.
Investment Business Compliance Review (IBR 2.58)
An authorised firm must carry out an Investment Business Compliance Review (IBCR) at least annually. PSD found that, for some firms, an annual IBCR had not been carried out, or did not include a whole firm review, a review of accounting records and a sample of client files. Some IBCRs did not identify different types of IB advice provided by the firm or non-compliance with the IBRs. Corrective action was not always taken in a timely manner.
Engagement letters (IBR 3.19-3.20)
PSD found that some firms did not have an engagement letter in place, or the letter had not been agreed with the client prior to investment business advice being provided, as required by IBR 3.19 or did not include the minimum details required by IBR 3.20.
Commission consent and disclosure (IBR 3.30-3.32)
If a firm receives commission it must account to the client for that commission, and both the terms (%) of the commission and the amount (€/£) must be disclosed. In cases where the firm retains the commission, it must have the client’s written consent to do so. Consent to retain commission can be obtained in the client engagement letter. The Quality Assurance Committee views non-compliance with commission consent and disclosure requirements very seriously.
Section 30 receipts (IBR 4.44-4.46)
Firms must issue receipts when they receive client premiums or investment business clients’ money. Details of what must be included on the receipt are specified in IBR 4.45.
Other matters
Firms should ensure that they are aware of their category of IB authorisation and the limits of that category.
Category IA2 is required to hold client premiums;
Category IB2 is required to hold investment business clients’ money; and
If handling or holding client premiums or investment business clients’ money, the firm must appoint an independent accountant and submit an independent accountant’s report to the Institute.
Carrying on investment business, when not authorised to do so, is an offence under the Act. Firms may wish to review their category of investment business authorisation and assess whether it is suitable for their needs. Firms should refer to Schedule 1 to Chapter 1 of the IBRs for activities which may be undertaken under the various categories.
For further details on the above matters, please look out for PSD’s forthcoming Regulatory Bulletin. For advice or support on the above matters, firms may contact, in strict confidence, the Practice Consulting Team, which is independent of the Professional Standards Department.