Enda Larkin
Enda Larkin has extensive experience in management development, working closely with managers at all levels to develop their potential to lead and engage their employees. With a background in hospitality and tourism, he has operated as an independent consultant and business mentor since 1994 and has led diverse projects across a wide range of industry sectors in Ireland, UK, Europe and the Middle East. He is the Managing Director of Dobiquity, a company dedicated to helping hospitality SMEs do more digitally. With a focus on leadership, he has first-hand experience of the people-related challenges faced by managers. Enda holds a BSC in Management, from Trinity College Dublin and an International MBA from the European School of Management, Paris. His previously published books include: Ready to Lead? Prepare to Think and Act Like a Successful Leader (Practice Hall, 2007); How to Run a Great Hotel (How to Books, 2009); Quick Win Leadership: Answers to Your Top 100 Leadership Questions (Oak Tree Press, 2010).