The Next Financial Year is the Institute’s annual position paper representing the aspirations and concerns of our 30,000-strong membership through a smart and realistic set of proposals that, on adoption, would work hard for businesses all around the island of Ireland.
Last year, The Next Financial Year considered life after the pandemic and how to create a better business environment to restore economies and employment. In 2021, as we emerge from the Covid-19 restrictions, we have brought this up to date by drawing on members’ experience of handling the crisis and proposing to government approaches that could be applied in the ‘new normal’ circumstances. What have we learned in the past year about what would make life easier for businesses? The emphasis is again on small and medium enterprises and their crucial role in the recovery.
Many of the ideas and proposals that we submitted last year have been adopted by governments in both jurisdictions. As a result of the unprecedented economic disruption of the pandemic, we know that there will be greater government involvement in economies this coming year. Chartered Accountants have a unique role to play in the recovery, but also have a unique insight into what needs to be done by business as it engages with government and the statutory authorities. Through this publication, and the invaluable perspectives of our members and stakeholders who contributed to it, we are calling for interventions that drive efficiency and sustainability and contribute to a better, more supportive environment for business.
In this 2021 edition of The Next Financial Year, we prioritise the interaction between business and government in the areas of sustainability, digital transformation and business compliance. We emphasise opportunities for efficiency rather than merely seeking handouts or additional supports. There is a marked similarity in the challenges faced both North and South on our island.