Our publishing progamme is the only specialist accountancy publisher for the island of Ireland, and we aim to be the leading provider of information to our members and students, delivered in value-added ways from print to digital.
Our core objective is to commission and publish advice, opinion and research of use to members of Chartered Accountants Ireland in business, in practice and in learning. Since 2005, we have built up an extensive list of over 120 titles, many of which are updated annually or regularly improved as new editions.
At the heart of publishing programme are our authors. Without them, we can't ask the important questions or challenge the status quo. With that in mind, we would like to offer an open invitation to anyone who would like to contribute to our collection of books and papers. Please get in touch with us at publishing@charteredaccountants.ie with your thoughts and ideas.
To see a full range of our titles, please visit our online bookstore.