Membership renewal for 2024 commences December 4 2023. You can assist in helping this process run smoothly by making sure that your details are up to date.
• Update your contact details
Update your contact details in the MyAccount area such as phone number and email
• Update your address
Update your address/location.
If you move location up to and including the end of April in the year of billing (2024), the overseas rate is available to you. To avail of this rate, you must be living/working outside Ireland/UK and have updated your overseas firm/home address on the MyAccount area of the website.
• If you have changed employment, you can update your employment details now
Update your employer, employment status, job function and job title in the MyAccount area.
Can’t find your employer in our online list? Please
use our quick query form below.
Communication preferences
While you’re visiting, why not take a moment to review your work details, District Society affiliation, or communication settings? You can ‘opt in’ to our newsletters, technical updates, and network communications according to your current needs. You can also make sure you're receiving the most relevant emails from us by reviewing your communication settings and newsletters. Keeping your data up to date helps us to ensure accurate billing, to understand where members are and what they need from us, and to plan services now and in the future.