Career supports for retired members
The careers team are available to support members at all career stages, including retired members and those approaching retirement. We provide advice, guidance and support that will help you to get the most from your retirement.
Through our recruitment service we can introduce you a range of opportunities including:
- Part-time roles
- Voluntary roles
- Non-executive directorships (pro-bono and paid)
careers@charteredaccountants.ie for a confidential consultation.
Getting involved and supporting other members
You may also like to consider getting more involved with your Institute including participating at Committee and District Society level, attending events or social gatherings.
Email karin.lanigan@charteredaccountants.ie for more information.
Career Mentor Programme
During retirement members often like to get involved in an activity where they feel they are giving something back to the profession. One way to do this is to get involved in our Career Mentor Programme as a much-respected mentor, where you will have the opportunity to share your valuable experience and insights with other members. For more details click here.
During retirement members often like to volunteer and/or get involved in an activity where they can use their qualification and experience to support others. CAVA provides you with the potential to support business people in the local community. Working together with the Citizens Information Service (CIS) and Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS), our members (as volunteers) provide advice to local people who cannot afford the services of an accountant.
Find out more here.
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