The group is strictly for members and staff only. All membership requests are screened and validated, this can cause a timelag in processing membership requests to join the group at peak times. Membership of the group is not available to students. Group membership is open to members of other GAA Chartered Accountancy bodies provided under mutual recognition.
Discussions are questions/ideas that clearly invite member responses related to the posted content. Inappropriate postings:
- Materials in breach of our moderation policy
- Harassing, abusive, or threatening, attacking individuals or groups,
- Derogatory, unprofessional, or disrespectful (we remind members that LinkedIN postings are a permanent record)
- Multi-level marketing or other pyramid scheme offers
- Non-salary bearing jobs
Job posting
Job posting in the main discussion area is not permitted. Jobs are defined as actual salary-bearing job opportunities. Career advice and market update information of interest is defined as discussion board content. Job posts posted in the main discussion area will be deleted without warning. Repeat offenders will be blocked from the group.
Self-monitoring the group - flagging inappropriate content
All members have the option to flag content as inappropriate to the Group moderators via LinkedIn. Moderators will evaluate flagged content and take appropriate action. Posts that are flagged 5 times will be automatically deleted by LinkedIn. A member that has had their content flagged will require moderation on all future posts in this group, ie they will not be able to post directly. Repeat inappropriate flagged content offenders will be documented and removed from the group.
Note: under LinkedIn user terms, if you have had your content flagged elsewhere on LinkedIn or have been removed from another LinkedIn group you will automatically see you discussions put into ‘requires moderation’ in this group.
Recognizing promotional materials
How do you know if you are promoting a business/organisation, product or self?
- Requires clicking on a link to access information (i.e. news, blog, or resource announcements)
- Promotes a product or service (commercial, paid or free) that is not affiliated with Chartered Accountants Ireland
- Promotes an events (i.e conferences, webinars) that is not affiliated with Chartered Accountants Ireland
- Self-promotional (holiday/religious greetings, personal introductions, etc)
- No religious or political discussions are allowed, unless they relate to the compliance industry
- No continually reposted in sub groups, in either discussions or jobs. Once is enough.
- If in doubt on your content post it in Promotions.
No spam, self-promotion or direct sales pitches on items other than Institute affairs (i.e. Charity events) are allowed. Members will immediately be removed from the group.
Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn group member terms and conditions
By becoming a member of the Chartered Accountants Ireland Group, you accept and agree to comply with the following terms and conditions. Chartered Accountants Ireland reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of membership of the Chartered Accountants Ireland Group from time to time.
- You consent to have your name and your email address accessible by the owner or manager of the Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn Group, and to be identified as a Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn Group member in your profile and the LinkedIn search results;
- Your use of LinkedIn is at your risk and you remain solely responsible for compliance with the LinkedIn User Agreement;
- Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn Group may contain various forums, blogs and discussion boards. You will not use these facilities for the provision of professional advice. All views and information provided by you in the Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn Group are personal to you and do not represent the views of Chartered Accountants Ireland;
- Chartered Accountants Ireland does not guarantee that the information posted by you in the LinkedIn Group will not be used by other Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn Group members. Accordingly, you should not disclose confidential information or information you do not wish others to use;
- Chartered Accountants Ireland is under no obligation to monitor member participation in the Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn Group and is not responsible for any content or information posted by Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn Group members;
- Chartered Accountants Ireland reserves the right to terminate your membership of and/or to cease the operation of the Chartered Accountants Ireland LinkedIn Group at any time.
- Chartered Accountants Ireland members participating in this group remain bound by the principles set out in the Chartered Accountants Ireland's bye-laws, standards of professional conduct and code of ethics.