Amalgamation with CPA Ireland
In September 2023 members were informed of discussions with CPA Ireland exploring cooperation and innovation opportunities.
On Tuesday 16 January 2024, members received a special eNews from Institute President Sinead Donovan and Council members announcing the proposed amalgamation with CPA Ireland. The Council decided that approval of this proposal would be subject to a member vote.
This update outlined the proposal in detail and directed members to a dedicated website with further information including video profiles from members of the Institute, an overview of CPA Ireland, information on upcoming in-person and virtual events, detailed FAQs, and more.
The proposal was outlined in detail in a dedicated brochure for members.
A press release was issued and received extensive coverage in the national media on 17 January, including an interview on Morning Ireland with Institute President Sinead Donovan.
Over the course of the next few weeks members were invited to attend nine town halls to learn more information about the proposed amalgamation and importantly have the opportunity to ask questions of the Institute leadership. Over 600 members booked these sessions which were delivered in person and virtually.
Town hall dates and target members
Date |
Members |
Format |
24 January |
Dublin |
In person |
29 January |
North West |
Virtual |
30 January |
Cork |
In person |
1 February |
Mid West |
In person |
6 February |
Belfast |
In person |
8 February |
All members |
Virtual |
8 February |
Virtual |
8 February |
Australia |
Virtual |
8 February |
All members |
Virtual |
An update on the proposal was also included in eNews on Friday 19 January.
Members were reminded of the opportunity to vote in eNews on Fridays 2 February 2024, 9 February 2024 and 13 February 2024. Along with these members also received a number of reminders to vote from Civica, the independent voting company used for the vote, during the online voting period which ran from 29 January 2024 to 14 February 2024.
Members also had the opportunity to vote during a Special General Meeting which took place in Chartered Accountants House, Dublin on Wednesday 21 February.
Members were notified of the result of the vote in an email communication sent to all members following the SGM on the afternoon of Wednesday 21 February 2024.
Over 10,000 Institute members voted. The resolution was passed by a majority in accordance with the Institute's Bye-Laws, with 53.5% of votes cast in favour. A notification of the result of the vote was also included in eNews on Friday 23 February 2024 and a press release was issued following the SGM.
The members of CPA Ireland also approved the amalgamation in an Extraordinary General Meeting also held on Wednesday 21 February 2024.
The two Irish-based accountancy bodies worked to implement the decision of the members, which saw the creation of a single Institute operating under the Chartered Accountants Ireland brand. Discussions were undertaken regarding the integration of the two Institutes. This included enabling the amendments required to the Bye-Laws and securing the legal and regulatory approval required.
The amalgamation came into effect on 1 September 2024. All members received an email from Institute President Barry Doyle on 2 September. More information can be found here.