Our commitment to you
Our aim is to foster a customer-focused culture that will serve a network of vibrant, diverse, engaged and digitally connected members who have a strong sense of belonging. We therefore endeavour to treat all members, students, affiliates, firms, customers and members of the general public with respect, courtesy and to live the values of our organisation.
This echoes the commitment of our members, students, and affiliates to act for the public benefit, and to promote and ensure high professional and ethical standards, which enhance the confidence of users of the services of Chartered Accountants.
Providing a positive customer experience
Chartered Accountants Ireland strives to consistently provide the highest levels of customer service and is committed to being a high performing organisation providing excellent support to members, students, affiliates, firms, customers and members of the general public.
We are committed to always providing an excellent customer experience. Irrespective of the nature or form of your contact with us, all of our customers can anticipate supportive, efficient, professional, friendly and respectful service. We are committed to providing the best possible customer experience to you at all times.