Diversity and inclusion statement
Chartered Accountants Ireland is committed to respecting diversity and inclusion within in the accountancy profession both as a membership and student body and as an employer.
Diversity is about what makes each of us unique and includes our origins, backgrounds, personality, life experiences and beliefs. Inclusion is the extent to which we feel valued and included.
We believe that our organisation should be representative of the members we represent, and that our membership should be reflective of the society we operate in and the public interest that we support.
We acknowledge and value diversity in those we educate, represent, regulate, employ and engage with. We strive to create a culture of inclusion, mutual respect and equal opportunities.
We welcome and promote diversity and inclusion within the accountancy profession, and we are working to promote and enhance the values of diversity and inclusion. We aim to improve the awareness of the importance and benefits of promoting diversity and inclusion within the profession and for the public interest.
By respecting, developing and harnessing the talents of members, students and employees we commit to creating a diverse, inclusive and supportive organisation that delivers a beneficial experience for members, students, and the public while providing a positive workplace for employees. We are working towards building and maintaining an environment which values diversity and inclusion.
We promote diversity and inclusion by:
- Treating everyone with respect and fairly.
- Valuing and recognising people as individuals.
- Ensuring equal access to opportunities for members, students and staff, and all those who use our services.
- Recognising the individual needs of those we represent, educate and employ.
- Carrying out our representative, educational and regulatory functions without prejudice, in a respectful and non-discriminatory manner.
- Ensuring our policies, procedures and processes promote diversity, inclusion and equality.
- Chartered Accountants Ireland’s policies on diversity and inclusion are compliant with the law in Ireland.
Our commitment
Chartered Accountants Ireland will treat all individuals and groups of individuals fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, in areas of race, class, gender, disability, religion or belief, marital status, family status, sexual orientation and age.